
WSY packing is one of our unique products. It was developed on the base of mass transfer mechanism of tray. The mass and heat transfer of liquid and vapor takes place not only on the packing surface but also in the liquid layer on the packing. The flow path of liquid and vapor in WSY packing just like those in the traditional tray columns. It has high spreading factor in any direction and doesn't rely on the pre-distribution of liquid and vapor very much. So it can be scaled up confidently.

WSY packing is made of expanded metal. The normal types are WSY80 and  WSY150.


Special features:

High number of theoretical stages per meter.

Middle liquid hold-up.

Not rely on the wetting properties of liquid.


Preferred applications:

For small overall height column.

Not easy wetting liquids.

Atmospheric pressure to overpressure.

Liquid phase controlled absorption.

WSY packing

Fig.1 WSY packing


Feature curves of WSY packing


Tel: (+86) 22-2741 0889  Fax: (+86) 22-8789 1666  Address: 12th floor, Bldg. A, QingXin Building, Nankai District, Tianjin 300193, P. R. China (On the Southeast of the cross of Changjiang Road and Nanfeng Road)

Website:      //zoegkx.cn     E-mail: xtj@zoegkx.cn

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